Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Projects Need Finishing

I have so many projects that need finishing and I'm determined to get them done before I start any new ones.....well I may start new ones but in the meantime I will be working steadily on the old ones and try to have them done by the end of the year.....I hope. I currently have on loan my friends sewing machine because mine needs to go in the shop. She let me know that she will be needing it back soon so I need to get on the ball and get as much done this week as I possibly can. Here's what I'm working on.

Eight pillowcase dresses that I made for my granddaughter that are too short. I have to take the hem out and either add some coordinating fabric to the length or add a ruffle.
Two pillowcase dresses needing to be made.
The border needs to be added to my Dresden Plate quilt.
Three other quilts waiting to be finished.....long term projects.
Five quilts (besides the Dresden) waiting to be quilted. Some of these I will quilt by hand and others will be taken to a shop for machine quilting.
A cross-stitch project I have been working on (or not working on so much) for several years. I seriously need to finish it this year, no more excuses.
I bought this basket full of crochet motifs at an estate sale years ago. My mother-in-law was going to put them together for me for a tablecloth but she passed away suddenly almost six years ago. When I found them in her craft closet, she had put together about twenty of them. I have had them for a long time now and haven't added to that number at all. I would love to get this finished sometime soon.
And finally the most recent project started is this crochet afgan. The motifs are easy to do a square at a time while I'm sitting in the reclyner in the evening after dinner. I could probably easily crochet five a night if I set my mind to it and could have this done in no time. I had two shade of pink yarn as well but ended up using it in a small afgan I made for my new little granddaughter so I will need to replace it.
It looks like I have my work cut out for me and will be quite busy for a good long while. I would love to have all these projects and more done by the years end, but my youngest daughter is getting married in October so I will be very busy planning and preparing for that. I will just have to do the best I can.  Even though I have a long list of unfinished projects I do have an equally long list of finished ones (so you see, I'm not a total procrastinator). I'll share with you the finished projects very soon but for now, it's off to work I go. Have a blessed day!!


  1. And one of those quilts waiting to be quilted will be a gift for your lovely little sister, right? lol
    You do have a lot of projects to finish, but that just means lots of things to blog about. ;)

  2. You're right about one thing dear sister, I will have a lot to blog about....HaHa!! I couldn't resist :) but yes I will indead make you a quilt and I'm sure you'll be quite surprised. I am really working hard to get some of these projects finished because I have so many others swimming around in my head that are dying to get out because they're running out of room....LOL.
